In Person Telegram-$75
As long as you choose a song off of our list and your telegram is within 15 miles of the center of Birmingham, AL.
Special Request In Person Telegram-$120
Our musician will learn a portion of a song that is not on our song list for an extra unique touch
We add an additional $10 for each 15 miles outside of our area we have to go. Common places we travel:
Huntsville- Approx. $135
Montgomery- Approx $125
Travel orders are subject to availability issues. The more notice we have the better!
Song by Phone-$25
Includes a personalized message and a recording(If recipient gives permission) uploaded to youtube so you can hear the song and their reaction!
Special Request Telegram by phone-$45
The musician will learn a song for your loved one that is not on our list. This adds a personal touch!